Jobs December 2, 2019 [ITA] SOP (Save Our Planet) INGAGGIA: Agenti Mono o Plurimandatari/Consulenti Commerciali, Prodotti per Aziende Zootecniche Bovine da Latte (Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna) – COMPLETED
Jobs November 22, 2019 [ITA] AGENZIA GENERALI DI ERBA INGAGGIA: Consulenti Commerciali Assicurativi Sr./Jr. (Como/Lecco/Monza Brianza) – COMPLETED
Jobs August 26, 2019 [ITA] AGENZIA GENERALI DI ERBA INGAGGIA: Consulenti Assicurativi Junior/Senior (Como/Lecco/Monza Brianza) – COMPLETED
Vertical May 16, 2019 [Entrepreneur] IoT Can Give Your Retail Business a Competitive Edge. Here’s What You Need to Know
Social Media November 28, 2015 [Retail Gazette] Barbour becomes the first UK brand to sell to its customers using “Twitter Collections”
Cybersecurity September 12, 2015 [Avnet] The Challenges of Achieving Compliance in an Omni-Channel World
Management January 12, 2015 [TechRepublic] CEOs: Make developing customer relationships your top priority in 2015