We have significant expertise in managing B2B social media. Our capabilities are proven by the appreciation of our many customers. Let’s have a talk about it!Which hashtag works best on Twitter? Tim of Exposure Ninja explains which types of hashtag work best, but how to use them too.

On this matter, here is an article about Twitter. Hashtags are incredibly important on Twitter as they allow people to join conversations about things that interest them. As brands, we can also jump in on these conversations provided that we obey the basic hashtag etiquette.

For those unfamiliar with the Hashtag process, including a word with a hash (#) at the start makes it a clickable hashtag on Twitter. By clicking on the Hashtag, it’s possible to see all the other Tweets that are using that Hashtag.

For example, when a popular TV show like The Apprentice is live, thousands of people will take to Twitter and Tweet their opinions about what’s happening, using the Hashtag #theapprentice or #apprentice. Others watching will search for mentions of this Hashtag to see what people are saying.

Let’s dig a little bit deeper and look at the different types of hashtags out there that business’ can use to multiply the reach of their Tweets:

1. User-generated

These are ad hoc hashtags that have been naturally and organically adopted by Twitter users. For example #Londontravel or #IloveLondon. They receive occasional use and aren’t focussed around a particular event.

Be sure to keep an eye out for these user-generated tweets as they can very quickly gain traction and explode into the Top Trending list on Twitter and remain there for several hours or sometimes days.

By jumping in on the latest trending hashtag with your own spin that relates to your company — whilst refraining from being too cheesy or self-promotional — you can connect with Twitter users far outside of your typical audience of followers.

5 Types of Twitter Hashtag Explained (and How to Use Them)

2. Events

Almost every major event has a hashtag, from the #Oscars2016 to #LFW (London Fashion Week). Exhibitors and brands involved with events can piggy-back off these hashtags to gain more exposure amongst attendees and those at home keeping up with the event on Twitter.

For a great example of other businesses using hashtags to great effect during events, take a look at this stratospheric social media update by WordStream from our post about live-tweeting.5 Types of Twitter Hashtag Explained (and How to Use Them)

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