[GrassGreener] 4 Reasons Why Behavioural Assessment Saves Employers Time and Money
We have great expertise in supporting companies in their recruiting journey. Our capabilities are proven by the appreciation of our customers. Let’s have a talk about it!
Here is an article about recruiting and candidate assessment: Behavioural assessment (sometimes referred to as “Psychometric Testing”) has become increasingly recognised as a valuable source of information when making hiring decisions.
There is a wealth of data to demonstrate that using behavioural assessment in conjunction with sound, responsible recruitment methods reduces employee turnover, and it’s quickly becoming standard practice for many employers and recruiters.
But is it really worth the additional time and expense? In the current economic climate is behavioural assessment REALLY an essential for your next recruitment campaign?
The answer is: absolutely YES!
Here are four very good reasons why behavioural assessment will save you vastly more time and money than the relatively small amount of investment required.
Just in case you’re unfamiliar with behavioural assessment, although the process varies from company to company, it usually involves a questionnaire that asks the candidate about their opinions, preferences and priorities. Based on the results, and by comparing the answers against years and years of historical data and expert analysis, the individual’s attitudes and behaviours can be extrapolated.
Behavioural reports can include information such as preferred working environment, how they respond to tight deadlines, preferred management style, approach to selling, and much more.
If you’re sceptical, ask one of your employees – preferably one you’ve known for many years – to take an assessment. You’ll likely be surprised at just how accurate the results are.
1. Save TIME Defining the Role.
Figuring out exactly the kind of candidate you’re looking for and creating a job description to match can be a time-consuming headache. But a simple job survey, lasting around 15 minutes, completed either by yourself or by your existing employees that hold similar positions, will produce a detailed description of the ideal characteristics you’re looking for, many of which can be inserted straight into your job description.
2. Save TIME By Conducting Fewer Interviews.
A CV tells you whether a person has the ideal qualifications and job history but usually it’s impossible to tell if a person has the right attitude until you interview them. Behavioural assessment, on the other hand, can provide you with that information in a fair and objective fashion. So if, for example, you have 10 candidates that look great on paper, a behavioural assessment can help you reduce that shortlist to a more manageable number, and leave you with a much faster interview process.
3. Save TIME and MONEY on Training and Induction.
An often overlooked feature of behavioural assessment is its ability to tell you the training and management styles to use to get the best results from your new employee. Getting your new recruit up to speed quickly and making them feel comfortable in the role is not only a time-saver but it also reduces the expenses incurred through commercial downtime.
4. Save TIME and MONEY Reducing Employee Turnover.
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