We have significant expertise in supporting organization in their transformation journey. Our capabilities are proven by the appreciation of our many customers. Let’s have a talk about it!redundancy

On this subject, here is an article about the transformation of the workplace. More than a third of white-collar workers in the US, UK and Germany, believe that their jobs will not exist in five years’ time, according to a survey conducted by vendor Unify.

Out of the 9,000 so-called “knowledge workers” interviewed, 35 per cent said that their role will become obsolete in five years, while the remaining 65 per cent believed that their role will not be the same as it is today.

The survey points to changing work environments, the on-demand economy or global digital transformation as possible factors for this threat to white-collar roles.

Tim Bishop, head of strategy at Unify, said: “The move towards freelance [rather] than traditionnal jobs shows a change of attitudes in today’s market. People are looking at the possibility of move… to a freelance role. The new on-demand market is creating whole new complexities in communication. Freelancers want to bring their own devices into the workplace and they want to use their own means of communication.”

According to the study more businesses are operating through “virtual teams”, distributed across several offices, rather than traditional, physically located teams.

More than half of white-collar workers (52 per cent) said that they coordinate through virtual teams, with 42 per cent claiming that it is a more effective way of working compared to face-to-face teams.

The study found that the majority of white-collar workers believe the workplace is becoming less important in conducting business than it was in the past, with 69 per cent of those surveyed agreeing with the sentiment. Yet only seven per cent said that they would like to spend between 75 and 100 per cent of their time away from the office.

A possible link to the diminishing prominence of the workplace is the increase in freelance or contractor work, as more than one fifth (21 per cent) claimed to be a freelancer or contractor, with more than half of those surveyed stating that they would consider becoming a freelancer if such a role were offered.

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