Cloud May 22, 2015 [] An interview about Cloudian and Hadoop, with Amir Chaudry (head of system engineering at Cloudian)
Cloud May 6, 2015 [ITA] [Festival ICT] Milano 11 Novembre 2015 | Save the date! BCLOUD sponsor del festival ICT
Cloud April 16, 2015 [SoftNAS] SoftNAS Solves Storage Challenges for Enterprises, SMBs and Remote/Branch Offices
Cloud February 27, 2015 [Cloudian] Casale of Switzerland Adopts Cloudian for Secure Data Storage and Real-Time Collaboration
Channels December 11, 2014 [ITA] Lenovo punta sul mercato enterprise con l’object storage di Cloudian!
Cloud November 18, 2014 Listen to our recorded webinar: Cloudian, BCLOUD, PBS and Juku on next generation object storage technologies!
Channels October 21, 2014 [My article on the Cloudian Blog] Casale Group of Switzerland solves Sync&Share, VMware Backup and Disaster Recovery challenges with Cloudian HyperStore