Cybersecurity May 23, 2018 TAVOLA ROTONDA Office Automation: Modernizzare le infrastrutture IT, le sfide aperte
Cloud November 25, 2016 [ITA] [SOIEL e PBS] Software-Defined, Iperconvergenza e Hybrid Cloud: quando l’IT cambia pelle con la flessibilità del software – Milano Hotel Michelangelo, 4 Ottobre 2017
Channels February 27, 2016 [ITA] [PBS, BCLOUD, Red Hat, Lenovo, Infinidat, Cloudian] OpenStack & Docker entrano in azienda! – Milano, 5 Aprile, Hotel Michelangelo
Channels February 8, 2016 [ITA] [SOIEL e PBS] Software-Defined IT, Iperconvergenza e Cloud: l’IT cambia pelle con la flessibilità del software – Milano, Hotel Michelangelo, 5 Ottobre 2016
Channels December 21, 2015 [ITA] [BCLOUD] INTERVISTA: analizziamo la situazione di OpenStack con Giuseppe Paternò
Channels November 25, 2015 [ITA] [SOIEL e PBS] Software-Defined IT, Iperconvergenza e Cloud: l’IT cambia pelle con la flessibilità del software – Roma (Centro Congressi SGM Portuense), 6 Aprile 2016
Cloud October 20, 2015 [ITA] [Festival ICT] BCLOUD e Cloudian sono Gold sponsor al festival ICT 2015!
Cloud August 3, 2015 [ITA] [BCLOUD] *OpenStack Explained* Learn the OpenStack architecture and the secret of a successful cloud project
Cloud June 22, 2015 [BCLOUD and Juku] Listen to our recorded webinar: “Software-Defined Infrastructure. A new approach to enterprise IT”
Cloud May 22, 2015 [BCLOUD and Juku] Webinar – June 19th, 2015, 11 CET: Software-Defined Infrastructure. A new approach to enterprise IT